Maximin identity
Maximin helps business customers of all sizes, from startups to corporates, create technology products that deliver value, while optimizing the efficiency of their development process.
Logotype is presented by exact simple grotesk lettering with symmetrical arcs, supported by the stem of the letter A. Distinctive serif in letter N adds up to the tone of lettering.
The arc of the lettering represents a panoramic curve of the endless space.
The Space Modul Platform is a brand element used along with photography and typography. It is made of simple shapes, flat-shaded and has a basic colour palette.
Different angles add variety to the series of materials.
PP Radio Grotesk typeface is used throughout all brand materials. Black style is commonly applied for headings and short messages. Regular—for basic text.
Pictograms are good for supporting text blocks and displaying ideas in short. The basic set covers the most used topics in an abstract manner.
Pixel space ships are to be used in website game and as additional graphics for merchandise.
Detailed guideline has everything that client's designer might need.